Wow, so its been a long time since we've updated this.
Life is going good. And as Ken likes to say "happy to have a job, happy to be here"
AJ is finishing up Kindergarten and is reading EVERYTHING in sight. She's at the top of her class and is liking school much better. She has a new little boyfriend/ crush named Conner and apparently EVERYONE in the class adores him. She's also discovered the wonders of Star wars and has been enjoying watching EVERY Star Wars movie with Ken. Which is so nice.
Its hard to believe that our second child will be here so soon ( I'm 38 weeks now). Bulging and soo ready. With 2 trips to the hospital (1 with early labor - which they stopped and the second with contractions that stopped on their own) I am just ready to hold Addison in my arms!
I think Ken and AJ are ready too. AJ is being such a big girl about it all and helping get things ready and picking things out for Addison. Ken is a little preoccupied with a big event at work this week... And is praying that Addison doesn't decide to make her debut on Saturday during the big event. But I think we're ready.. Monica and Kaylee are still living with us and Kaylee has just started crawling so its definitely going to be a tight fit in the house!