Well its the last summer before AJ officially begins school. She'll start Kindergarten in the fall. I can hardly believe it. And I know it sounds so cliche but it REALLY does feel like not too long ago I was pregnant with her and all the time has flown by so quickly. Its amazing to see her grow- and not just physically but mentally. She's got a few phrases that she repeats now. Like "awesome" and "that's cool". It cracks us up when she does that. It just seems so weird for a little girl saying things like that. Oh and the other thing she's stuck on now.. is "I love you mommy/daddy" or "I think you're pretty/ handsome" which is so cute and really sweet but the funny thing is When she says it. Like its usually if she's procrastinating eating, bored or if she knows she's in trouble.
Anyway, I think she's overall pretty well prepared for the big K. She's reading a little and loves it and she wants to ride the bus desparately. I just don't know if I'm ready for her to ride the bus...
Imitation is the best form of flattery
8 years ago
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