So let me catch you up quickly:
Alexis is in second grade and is doing WONDERFULLY! She's so smart! She's also cheering for the Hoover Raiders and absolutely loves it! She cheers CONSTANTLY and believe me when I say I am not exaggerating. The child cheers in the shower, getting dressed, eating, .. you name it.
Addison is growing like a weed and her vocabulary is expanding by the day. Its so fun to watch her little personality develop. The child is an animal! :) She's always good for a laugh! She'll dance, boss her big sister around and OMG she's become Obsessed with her little sister Anna! From the time she gets up till its time for bed she's constantly saying "an-na" "an-na". She'll hug her, try to pick her up, give her kisses and even try to give her a paci or a bottle. Its so cute.

Anna- my sweet little baby. She turns 4 months old tomorrow and she has grown into quite a little chunk considering she was only 6 lbs 2 oz when she was born. :) She has the absolute sweetest disposition and is always smiling. She's so happy and content it almost makes me want another.. haha! I said ALMOST! haha!

So I am constantly being asked, how is being at home?.. whats it like having 2 under 2?
Well, Being at home is wonderful. I feel so blessed that I am able to spend the important first few years of my babies' lives watching them grow and develop. But I have to be honest- being at home isnt the cake walk I remembered it to be! Yes, SOMETIMES I take naps during the day because I usually dont get to bed until midnight and then maybe one or both babies wake up in the early am hours and then there's getting up to get AJ's lunch and ken's coffee made before they head out at 7:30. With a toddler who is into EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME, its hard to keep the house picked up and all the household duties done daily so that's my greatest hurdle at the moment. I have great expectations of myself being a stay at home mom and I get frustrated when I don't meet my goal for the day/ week, etc. So I'm still working on that. and having 2 under 2? its constant but not as bad as i imagined- chaos wise. i have them on similar sleep schedules so when they're napping its awesome and when theyre awake- its like an adventure. hahah! you never know whats going to happen. But thats what keeps it fun. :) All in all I think the following picture best illustrates my life at times...

hmm.. what else?...
Ken's doing well. Working hard as always and finishing up his last semester of grad school. I'm so proud of how hard he works. He does an amazing job at work, has a 4.0 in school and still stays involved with the girls. :) He's like superman to me.

ps. the pics of anna and addison were taken by my friend AMY CARSON! She's awesome. Check out her blog
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