Saturday, January 29

Dear people on Lakeshore Running Trail

Hi there.
Here in Birmingham we have a wonderful running trail that runs alongside Lakeshore. Unfortunately, there are people who run it that have no idea about trail etiquette. So this list was put together by Ken and myself to help inform/ educate. Feel free to add any of your "tips" in the comments section. I'd love to hear those too!

- If you are running on the trail with your dog and he doesn't want to take two steps off to the side to poop in the grass. Don't just leave it there for other runners to run around. CLEAN IT UP or at the very least knock it off to the side of the trail with a stick!
- If by chance you do let your dog go off to the grassy area to do his business, walk into the grass WITH him! DO NOT stand in the middle of the trail talking to your girlfriends blocking the path.
- If you are socializing while you walk- DO NOT walk 4 by 4- taking up both lanes of the trail. Go to the mall! Your designer outfits will be appreciated more there.
- If you have kids on the trail and they want to ride their bikes. Keep them on ONE side of the path. This may be a good time to explain rules of the road to them. The line is not something you swerve back and forth over.
- And if by chance, someone needs to pass you or your child. Do not yell "rapido" to get them to speed up. Tell him to stop or move him over to let others pass.
- Here's a key one. Run WITH traffic. If you are running in the lane and runners are coming TOWARD you, You are in the wrong lane. MOVE OVER. You are not special and the rules apply to you too.

I'm sure there are lots more but those were the first ones off the top of my head.
Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weekend!

Wednesday, January 26

Confessions of a Stay at Home Mom

Ok. Ashley this post is for you..

In response to my friend Ashley's blogpost requesting 11 Confessions for 2011 Here are mine.
Don't judge! ;)

1. I've become addicted to romantic comedies and watched 4 in one day... yesterday.

2. When the kids are fussy I turn on the radio and dance and sing around the house. You should see my running man. Its a crowd pleaser.

3. I have a system that tells me when I need to clean the floors.. When the kids look like they've begun to look like puppies because there's so much dog hair or hair or lint on their clothes from rolling around.

4. I look for all kinds of excuses to run errands alone. So I can sing really loud and off key without getting looks from Ken and AJ .. annnd Addison. She's at that age now where she knows bad singing.

5. Its impossible to feel sexy or attractive when your wearing a nursing bra.

6. I dislike vegetables most of the time and I only eat them because I make the kids eat them. And even then, I usually only have a spoonful of veggies on my plate.

7. Sometimes when a telemarketer calls, I talk to them just for a little adult conversation. It almost always has nothing to do with what they are trying to sell me and they usually hang up on me. I actually learned that from Ken. Its great entertainment!

8. I wish we lived in Jackson and still owned the restaurant for the sole reason that I would never have to cook.

9. I feel like the washing machines and the hampers have a plot against me and somehow something is ALWAYS in one of them.

10. My house is a mess

11. I've been avoiding cleaning it by making this list.

Monday, January 24

Sunday Tea? Yes Please!

So yesterday, the girls were invited to a birthday party. It was a joint birthday party for two cute little girls. The theme was Tea and Top Hats and oh my goodness it was ADORABLE! The place was decorated so cute and they had 2 "Southern Belles" there to do make up and "doll up" the guests. The food was yummy and the girls had a ball swirling and twirling around. Here are some of the pics.

Anna and I twirled too..

This is Erin. She works with Ken and is the mommy of the birthday girls.
Great Job on the party Erin! We had a blast! Thanks for having us!!

Sunday, January 16


Let me start off by saying Addison is a picky eater. I dont know if its the toddler stage or what. But its like torture getting that girl to eat something of sustenance! Her favorite foods at the moment: White rice and Frosted flakes Cereal. How's that for being true to the blog title!? :) Its not quite meatloaf but I think its close enough.

I tend to cook a mixture of American and Chinese food when I cook. From stir frys, to casseroles and almost everything in between. And throughout all of the dishes i've served Addison the constant seems to be cereal and rice. So I've decided to expand my repertoire and I wanted to ask for your feedback. What was a fave dish of yours as a kid? Or if you have kids what do they like to eat? And any tips for sneaking in veggies?

Friday, January 7

Night time ramblings of a crazy Asian

omg i'm old. wanna know how i know? Because I drank a coke tonight. a large coke from mcdonalds. AND I'm Wiiiiide awake. STILL! 3 hours after the fact. What the heck?! I used to be able to drink 2 large caffeinated drinks and go straight to bed. I'd be out by the time my head hit the pillow. Oh well. The kitchen is clean and the playroom is semi picked up so I guess it wasnt all for naught. (like that? I've been rereading the Scarlet Letter so my mind drifts in and out of that old world language.) Dost thou judge me? hahah. I know, I know, I'm a weirdo. but hey Mrs. Clark would be so proud. hm, now that I think about it. I'm not sure Mrs. Clark was the one who made us read that book... Maybe it was Mrs. Norville in middle school English. Oh well, I digress.
Since Ken got me a Kindle for Christmas, I've decided to reread all the classics. "Why?" You may ask. Well, 1. because most of them are free and 2. because I never really took the time to read and appreciate them when I read them in school. And I'm curious to see if I "get" them now. :) So next on the list is Emma by Jane Austen. Actually, I've never read that one but it seemed interesting and I remember having the hardest time getting into Pride and Prejudice back in school. So we'll see how that goes. :)

Wow, didnt mean to go so in depth about my reading schedule. haha. Oh Caffeine. I'm going to pay for being up this late tomorrow morning.

So lets see what else is new of interest in the old England abode?... Anna finally got her two bottom teeth. She's working on crawling but still not getting it.. Addison is working on Potty training and is doing REALLY good. We've been at it for a week now and she's getting it slowly but surely. And A.J., she's A.J. - going stir crazy and wanting to do gymnastics, piano, etc. etc. etc. Chinese school starts up again on Saturday so hopefully that'll occupy her a little but I've got to find something for her to do to expell some of that pent up energy. Speaking of pent up energy, I need to go and finish a couple of crafts while I'm on this sugar/ caffeine high. I'm recovering a highchair pad, finishing up some pendants/ rings, making some hair bows, and doing a little mending! Oh and that reminds me, I've got a photo coaster tutorial that is SUPER Easy and CHEAPO that I'll post here soon. I made a set for my in laws for Christmas and they turned out really cute. So start picking out some pics and get ready to start making some cute Valentines presents for parents, grandparents, etc.

night yall!