Hi there.
Here in Birmingham we have a wonderful running trail that runs alongside Lakeshore. Unfortunately, there are people who run it that have no idea about trail etiquette. So this list was put together by Ken and myself to help inform/ educate. Feel free to add any of your "tips" in the comments section. I'd love to hear those too!
- If you are running on the trail with your dog and he doesn't want to take two steps off to the side to poop in the grass. Don't just leave it there for other runners to run around. CLEAN IT UP or at the very least knock it off to the side of the trail with a stick!
- If by chance you do let your dog go off to the grassy area to do his business, walk into the grass WITH him! DO NOT stand in the middle of the trail talking to your girlfriends blocking the path.
- If you are socializing while you walk- DO NOT walk 4 by 4- taking up both lanes of the trail. Go to the mall! Your designer outfits will be appreciated more there.
- If you have kids on the trail and they want to ride their bikes. Keep them on ONE side of the path. This may be a good time to explain rules of the road to them. The line is not something you swerve back and forth over.
- And if by chance, someone needs to pass you or your child. Do not yell "rapido" to get them to speed up. Tell him to stop or move him over to let others pass.
- Here's a key one. Run WITH traffic. If you are running in the lane and runners are coming TOWARD you, You are in the wrong lane. MOVE OVER. You are not special and the rules apply to you too.
I'm sure there are lots more but those were the first ones off the top of my head.
Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weekend!
Imitation is the best form of flattery
8 years ago