Sunday, September 7


AJ is entering a new phase in her life.. She's beginning to use the telephone, answer it, etc. Here are a few funny things we've heard her say or do in the past couple weeks.

1) Phone Rings- AJ picks up- Hello?-(its a telemarketer)- Hello?.. (voice getting louder).... "Is it waining dere?" "I AM talking to you- Hello? Is it waining dere?!" (Our phone lines are super staticky) Ken takes the phone from her and the telemarketer had hung up.. hahah! I guess thats one way to get rid of them.

2) Zack calls for Ken - AJ answers. They chat about her first day of school... then she cuts him off "Hey, you wanna talk to your buddy?" hahahah!

3) A mom from our soccer team calls and leaves a message while Ken and I are out of the house. I come back in the kitchen and I see her stool by the phone... "AJ? Why is your stool in here?" AJ- "well a lady called and she gave her number and told us to call her back so I was trying to call her back but I couldn't reach the numbers..."

Monday, August 11

A New Chapter

So here we are opening a new chapter to our lives. AJ has decided that she wants to be called Alexis now and I guess that's just the Kindergartener in her coming out. Today is her third day to be a Kindergartener and she likes it for the most part. Ken and I walked her into the school and were trying to get her into the classroom when we were stopped in the hall. They didn't allow parents past a certain point... It broke our hearts... "You mean we can't walk her in? But we have her school supplies...." The lady took the supplies and another woman started to lead AJ off to her classroom... BUT.. WAIT! We didn't get to hug her yet! I mean - we have been preparing for this for a while but we never thought it would be so soon or so abrupt...

We have had to make a lot of adjustments lately. Monica has moved in with Kaylee and things are going pretty well. We all get along and we have started to settle into a routine but AJ is having it rough with the new baby... Its hard not being the center of attention anymore... So we're working with her. Giving her our undivided attention at times and doing things specifically with her and for her and at the same time being careful not to spoil her with attention... After all this is going to be a long term thing and she's going to have to get used to the idea that she won't be the only child forever... Right?...

Wednesday, June 4


Well its the last summer before AJ officially begins school. She'll start Kindergarten in the fall. I can hardly believe it. And I know it sounds so cliche but it REALLY does feel like not too long ago I was pregnant with her and all the time has flown by so quickly. Its amazing to see her grow- and not just physically but mentally. She's got a few phrases that she repeats now. Like "awesome" and "that's cool". It cracks us up when she does that. It just seems so weird for a little girl saying things like that. Oh and the other thing she's stuck on now.. is "I love you mommy/daddy" or "I think you're pretty/ handsome" which is so cute and really sweet but the funny thing is When she says it. Like its usually if she's procrastinating eating, bored or if she knows she's in trouble.
Anyway, I think she's overall pretty well prepared for the big K. She's reading a little and loves it and she wants to ride the bus desparately. I just don't know if I'm ready for her to ride the bus...

Saturday, May 3


A little more about the Disneyland trip. First of all let me say I was a little nervous about taking AJ to California. We had to fly from Birmingham to Dallas- Fort Worth to L.A. Even with the time change working in our favor (on our way there), it was a long trip. Add onto that all the drama of American Airlines canceling hundreds of flights, I was a nervous wreck. But much to my surprise everything went smoothly. Way better than I could have hoped for actually. We had no problems checking in at the airport, AJ behaved well and the flight attendants were so great! OH and on top of that... We got ALL of our luggage there AND back! HOORAY!

The cab ride to Anaheim was heinous... No AC and the cabbie could NOT drive. We were lucky we made it there alive... and without anyone getting carsick.. me especially.

So we finally made it to the Hilton and it was FANTASTIC!
AJ was particularly thrilled that we had our own bathroom that we didn't have to share with other people. She went on and on and "OOOHH!! Look! We have our own TV! ooohhh we have our own closet and our own window!" It was really funny. But we didn't stay in the room long, we headed off to the parks almost immediately. After a really long- roundabout walk to the park we had a great first evening at the Disneyland Park and rode some rides.. On the way home we decided to ask around and see if there was a shorter way to the park and there was! Much shorter way. All we had to do was to ride the tram to the first stop. Get off and walk through the parking lot and across the street to our hotel! This was not going to be so bad!

The next morning AJ and I got up and dressed and headed to the Disneyland Hotel for Breakfast with Goofy in Goofy's Kitchen. Well when we walked across the parking lot I noticed that there weren't any cars in there.. No big deal I thought.. they must not have opened the parking lot yet.
So we walked the same route the tram ran and made it to the Main Park entrance.
(Well it turns out they closed that parking lot and the trams that ran to it for the week for construction... So we ended up walking it 4 times a day... It turned out to be good exercise!)

We got turned around a few times but AJ never complained and when we finally got to the breakfast AJ had a blast! It was worth all the walking.

After Breakfast, we headed to the park and began our routine: play at the park until lunch, eat, and then walk back to the hotel for pool time and rest until Ken got out of classes. Then we would head out again, eat supper, play at the park and then head back to the hotel. And so went our days. It was so much fun and the one thing that I must say about Disneyland is that it is the PERFECT Size if you are trying to keep up with a little one. The lines weren't too long and if you waited until late night you could practically ride all the rides that usually had long lines without waiting! Ken rode Splash Mountain TWICE! And he got his own log! We had the best vacation ever!!!

Catching Up!

It has been a very busy past few weeks.
We spent a wonderful week at Disneyland and we all had a blast!
AJ was such a well behaved princess!
You can check out those pictures at

And last weekend AJ had her last ballet recital at Dawson!
It was so cute and she did such a great job!
She's the second from the left on the back row..
The lighting quality wasn't the best.. but its all I could do!

Wednesday, March 19

Horizon Wireless!

As AJ was getting dressed this morning, she ran into my room all excited. "Hey Mommy! (holding the tag of her shirt) LOOK! My shirt is from horizon wireless!" Verizon Wireless? I looked at the tag... "no AJ, that's not Verizon Wireless. That's NIKE!" Too Cute! haha! What a way to start the day.

Tuesday, February 26

4 is SO Big!

In the mornings, when I wake up, my sole responsibility is to get AJ up, dressed and ready for Ken to take her to school. Then after they leave, I get ready and go to work myself. Monday morning, I woke up exhausted and too tired to get out of bed. So Ken woke AJ up. She dressed herself, packed her backpack, put on her socks and did her hair and got herself ready. When did this happen? It all creeps up on you. One moment you're changing diapers and warming bottles, the next moment your baby is saying "that's awesome!" and gettting herself ready for school. And on the way out of the door she yells "love you mommy! Don't forget to turn off the lights!" (she's been doing that since she was 3) I can hardly believe my little girl is getting so big!