Sunday, May 27

Being serious.

Ok I'm seriously loving the faces this girl makes. It almost makes up for all the terrible twos behavior lately. :)

Monday, May 21

Stubbornness and Determination

Well as I said in the last post, Addison finally got the stomach bug this past week. And while I'm sure most of you can imagine what a stomach bug entails, I'm going to elaborate a little for you anyway. ( so if you're the weak stomached type. Skip this first paragraph now.) It was the middle of the night and Addison had been throwing up and of course screaming bloody murder in between bouts of getting sick. I knew by the look in her eyes when she was going to get sick again so I would grab the bucket and hold it in front of her. She would start crying and say "no I don't want to! I don't want to!" and would you believe it that girl held it down several times. And if it came up, she would force it back down or refuse to spit it out. ( I know, I know, GROSS!) but ken and I just looked at each other amazed at how stubborn she was. She had made up her mind that she did NOT like the throwing up one bit and was NOT going to do it anymore. Ha! Can you say strong willed child? Lol! I wonder where she gets that from ;)

Ok so this little tidbit I just thought was cute. Ken was in the kitchen fixing his lunch when Addison came in. "daddy, Anna take buggy upstairs..." (picture her saying that in an "I'm telling on ou" sing songy voice.) a few minutes later Ken hears Anna noisily coming down the stairs and repeating to herself in a soft determined voice "I got it. I got it. I got it.." he looks and Anna ( sweet, little, short, Anna) is carrying her plastic grocery cart down our stairs. She makes it to the bottom, drops the buggy and comes running in the kitchen pushing her buggy yelling "I did it!!!"

Here's a completely unrelated pic of Addison and Anna picking up balls at the tennis courts. Anna spent several minutes trying to get all the balls she found over the fence. :). She also had her first run in with fire ants that day and other than a whiny "mommy!!" she never cried even though they stung her several times on her hand and her foot.

Friday, May 18

The gift I wish would stop giving...

So Sunday was mothers day and we had a fabulous morning at church then we drove out to Ken's parents new house on the lake. Which by the way is AMAZING! Seriously those views are gorgeous. But I digress, we had a great lunch. My father in law made my favorite grilled pork chops, my mother in law made a delicious fried corn recipe which I'm sure packed on a couple of pounds and then of course we had birthday cupcakes to celebrate Anna's birthday the day before. ( I realize that's a really long sentence. Forgive me)
After lunch we were sitting around talking when Anna climbed up on me and "lost her lunch" on me. Twice. Happy mothers day! Its the stomach flu! The poor kiddo never cried and was so pitiful we ended up going home a little early to get her comfortable. After her nap in her crib, she was back to normal and ready for dinner. Well early Tuesday morning ken got sick, I got sick Tuesday night and Alexis got it Wednesday morning. Thank heavens for my wonderful mother in law who not only came over to take care of the babies but also ended up taking care of all of us sickos and cleaned up my mess of a house. She is awesome.

Thursday, everyone seemed to be better or at least on the mend; so I began disinfecting the house. Floors, doors, walls, remotes, you name it. I was determined to wash or scrub the stomach flu out of the house. And wouldn't you know it, just as we're getting the girls ready for bed Addison walks in the playroom and gets sick.... Great.. Poor thing is gonna have a rough night tonight.

Thank you stomach flu, you have given us enough. Please stop giving.