OK, its time for us to start over. I admit, I've done a horrible job keeping this blog updated but times they are a changin'... This spring is my renewal.. I'm starting fresh! So get ready guys because I'm back and i'm bigger than ever... no really.. i am!

Here are a few maternity pics to prove it! (Courtesy of Amy Carson - http://www.acpgallery.com/) And yes you can say it.. "Didn't you JUST have a baby this time last year?!" Yes, Yes I did. What can I say- "Oops I did it again!" Addison turns ONE next week and her birthday party is this Sunday. I'm still working on all the little details but will post pics soon! My little baby is going to be a big sister! And soon you will get to hear all the fun details of what life is like for me as a stay at home mom with 2 under two and a 6 year old who's going on 16! EEK! Fun times though right?! right?!!!
i love this! awesome awesome layout and such a cute introduction post. Go Girl! I can't wait for all the updates now that you're leaving me on IM.
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