Well not really.. but this time last year I was in that state of shock, bliss and happiness because Miss Addison Salee England was just born! 12:21 pm to be exact. Its insane to think that a whole year has passed so quickly. Addison is a toddler now. She still prefers crawling as it allows her to escape from whomever is chasing her faster. But we work on walking at night and she is doing sooo well! My mom has been such an angel and helping her practice so she can take a good 6 - 8 steps or so!

She is a girl on the go! Most of the time her body moves faster than her feet and she face plants but she's a tough girl and is ready to get up and try it again. Oh did I mention she's completely fearless? The child scrambles up and down the stairs and she LOVES to climb.

She is such a loving girl and absolutely ADORES her big sissy AJ. Its funny to watch them play and see how different their personalities are.

Lately she's been infatuated with Ken too. Always banging at the window or screen door squealing DaDa!!!! He'll turn and wave back at her then she'll look at me with her little squished up smile like "did you see that? he waved at me!"

Life has been hectic this year but very good nonetheless. Here are some pics from her party we had on Sunday. AJ did a great job putting together the paper flowers for the centerpieces/ favors, we made a banner, and decorated some water bottles. It was a lot of fun and Addison almost lasted the entire party!

So here's to you our sweet Addison...
The youngest of our household for one whole year...
We love you and Happy 1st Birthday!!!!
the favors are awesome! you did an amazing job :-) happy birthday addison!
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